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The PFRA election

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 11:29 am
by Lee Elder
Friends and fellow members,
As a former member of the PFRA’s Board of Directors, I am watching this year’s election with some interest. I served the Board as the Secretary and Media Coordinator for (I believe) five years and greatly enjoyed the experience. I resigned from the Board earlier this year for reasons I have mostly kept to myself, but I retain fond memories of the work.
Ken Crippen will get my vote for president this year. He has done a very good job during his tenure and I believe that he should continue to lead us. He is a very fine president. It is only fair to say that nothing draws attention like making decisions and that makes a sitting president an easy target for critics. But Ken has worked very well with the other members of the Board and the result is that we have a largely harmonious Board of Directors. Did we always agree? Of course not. But Ken was always supportive of constructive discourse when I was on the Board and I appreciated that. Ken wants to have feedback when there is a disagreement among the Board and he wants the Board to build a consensus.
I have read the statements of both candidates for president in the most recent edition of The Coffin Corner with interest. I am glad to see that we have multiple candidates for the office and wish that we had multiple candidates for the other positions as well. Our Association would benefit from more active members and I hope we see that in future elections.
I am looking forward to our convention in Canton next year and I hope to see all of you there. We had started preparing for the event before I left the Board and I anticipate a terrific conference.

With respect and best wishes to all,

Lee Elder
Former Secretary, PFRA